Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The truth about it

The truth about it is that we've all been lied to.
We all get that bad feeling in our stomach, that we are less than worthy of the truth.

You lied about when, where, with whom, why. You lie about what you did or didn't do, to make others like you? To like yourself more?

You lie about how you really feel.
You say it's nice, but it's really ugly.

You say good morning, but it's been shitty and may get worse.

You lie and say you're okay, but you ain't. 
Lie about how much it hurts, but that's not really what hurts, it's something else.

Lie about what you wish for, lie about whether you're standing in your own way or not.
Lie lie lies. Little white black yellow big fat lies.

I think the weird thing about some other people is that they always tell the truth.

You know, like TOO mUch truth?

Did you really have to  say what you really felt right there? That was cold.
Why couldn't you just you say it was going to be okay? Dang, that hurt.

Truth is I'm tired of lies.
I'm not lying about it, at least not to myself, not anymore.

I'm tired of your bullshit excuses, of how much you can't be honest with yourself about what you really feel. where you're really at. 

So stop lying, and embrace the spirit of truth.

The truth is, it's over.


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